After much brainstorming a trip to a thrift store, and some paint, Josh, Kenzie, and I had awesome costumes! It was a hit!
I'm sure you figured it out, Josh is Sully, I'm Mike, and Kenzie is Boo.
(And when I say I'm Mike, I really mean the Boy is dressed up as Mike :)
It was such a perfect combo, we had to go with this theme. Especially since Monsters Inc. is the only animated movie that doesn't make her scared.
My Mom was so nice to send Kenzie some costumes for Halloween! One was a butterfly outfit with wings! So Kenzie was Boo for the activities and dinner and then we threw the dress and wings on her for the trunk or treat.
She liked them earlier in the week, but alas the wings came off.
This was Kenzie's way of getting the wings off.
Kenzie got the hang of trick or treating, Josh taught it to her about 30 seconds into it and she caught on really fast. Anything for candy, right!
One of the trunks had an actual photo booth there so we got our pictures taken and printed out right there, awesome!
Pictures of Princess Kenzie from earlier this week :)